Credit card processing
Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale can be used to process credit and debit cards in real-time.
Actually credit card processing is performed via the following leading payment gateways:
- Authorize.Net.
- Datacap NETePay.
In future we will implement other payment gateways too.
Below are instructions for Authorize.Net. Click here if you want to read instructions about NETePay.
What to you need to process credit cards? The minimum set is the following:
- You should have a bank account in USA. The mandatory requirement is payments with Authorize.Net can be made only in US Dollars. So you can use your existing bank account or you can open a new one.
- You should have an account as Authorize.Net.
- You should have Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale.
- Your POS computer should have Internet connection. Because transmission of card data is performed via Internet (secure connection).
Optionally you may have Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) device to read magnetic strips on cards. But this is not a requirement because you can process credits card even without MSR. Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale allows using manual card entry. You may simply type card number and expiration date in Enter Card Data window.
Step-by-step instructions:
- Open an account at Authorize.Net. Important: select Retail as market type parameter during opening Authorize.Net account. Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale implements Card-Present Transactions in Authorize.Net. Therefore it should be Card Present account type in Authorize.Net.
- To process credit cards with Authorize.Net you need only two parameters to specify in Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale: API Login ID and Transaction Key. You can get these parameters on Authorize.Net: go to menu Home – Account – Settings - Security Settings - API Login ID and Transaction Key.
- Start Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale.
- Go to menu Configuration – Preferences – Credit Cards.
- Check Process Credit Cards option.
- Check Allow Manual Entry option if you need to manually enter credit card number and expiration date.
- Set API Login ID and Transaction Key (these parameters should be taken from Authorize.Net).
- Check Read Cards by MSR option if you are going to use MSR. Note: MSR should be enabled on Preferences – Hardware – MSR.
You can try your account using test mode. On menu Configuration – Preferences – Credit Cards check Is Test Mode option. So your transactions will be processed without sending any information to bank (it's a test mode).
For testing purposes according to Authorize.Net documentation you may use the following card numbers:
- 370000000000002 American Express
- 6011000000000012 Discover
- 5424000000000015 MasterCard
- 4007000000027 Visa
Expiration date can be any valid month and year starting from current month and year.
Note 1: test mode can also be enabled via settings on Authorize.Net web site. See menu Home – Account – Settings - Security Settings – Test Mode.
Note 2: MSR device for credit card processing cards may work in two modes:
- With OPOS drivers. In this case you should go to menu Configuration – Preferences – Hardware – MSR. Then check "Use MSR" and specify Logical Device Name and install OPOS drivers.
- Without any drivers. Because any MSR may act as an input device (like mouse or keyboard). In this case you may uncheck "Use MSR", and there should be empty Logical Device Name on menu Configuration – Preferences – Hardware – MSR. In both cases "Read Cards by MSR" option should be checked on menu Configuration – Preferences – Credit Cards.
Note 3: instead of Authorize.Net you may use any other credit card processing service supporting Authorize.Net emulation. You need to specify Post to URL option for this service.
Some limitations of current version:
Refunds on cards are not possible now. So if client paid by card and she wants a refund you should make refund in cash via Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale or you can make refund on card using Virtual Terminal of Authorize.Net.
See also: