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How to print on notification printers from tablet or other remote computer?

Consider the situation: you have one server computer and a kitchen printer connected to the server computer by USB cable.
And you have one tablet computer running Windows 8 or 10. In order to print from the tablet computer on the kitchen printer you need to do the following steps:

  1. On the server computer go to Windows Control Panel.
  2. Go to Printers and Faxes.
  3. Locate your kitchen printer.
  4. Right click on the printer.
  5. Click on Printer Properties.
  6. Go to Sharing tab.
  7. Check "Share this printer" option.
  8. Into "Share Name" field put any name you want for the printer. For example, you may put Kitchen.

Now your kitchen printer is shared using a standard Windows printer sharing method.

To check that it works fine you may take your tablet computer:

  1. In Windows press Start button.
  2. Go to Network.
  3. Locate server computer. For example, name of the server computer is SERVERNAME.
  4. Click on the server computer name: SERVERNAME.
  5. On the right you will see your kitchen printer Kitchen.

Now you may also add the kitchen printer go the tablet computer. This is an optional step.

  1. On the tablet computer go to Printers and Faxes.
  2. Press Add a printer button.
  3. Select Network printer as printer type.
  4. On will the the list of accessible network printers.
  5. You should see the line:
  6. Printer Name Address
  7. Kitchen on SERVERNAME \\SERVERNAME\Kitchen
  8. Thus you may add the printer and give the name to it Kitchen.

Now start Abacre Point of Sale.
Go to menu Configuration - Notification Printers.
Add a printer if it was not added yet.
The most important is that in Logical Device Name field you need to add:

Also instead of SERVERNAME you may use server's computer IP address. For example, if IP address is then you may use:

Note: the same way you may use bill/receipt printer connected to the server computer. Using the similar actions go to menu Configuration - Bill Configuration - Printer. Press Choose Printer button. And select your bill/receipt printer from the list. Before doing that you need to add the bill/receipt as network printer.

See also: