Abacre Limited We will free your brain by making our smart software

Release of major version 3.0 of Abacre Cloud Point of Sale products

Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale


Abacre Cloud Restaurant Point of Sale 3.0
Abacre Cloud Hotel Management System 3.0
Abacre Cloud Retail Point of Sale 3.0

The list of changes:

* Feature: added new option: Automatically Print Invoice. This option is
located on menu Configuration - Preferences - Order Details. This option
only works together with Use Invoice Template button now. Thus after
pressing Print Invoice button on Order window the invoice will be
printing automatically without showing preview window first.
* Feature: added new fields {$itemprice2} and {$itemtotal2} to display item
prices and totals in second currency in invoice templates.
* Feature: added new fields {$itempricei}, {$itempricef}, {$itemtotali},
{$itemtotalf}, {$totali} and {$totalf} to display integer and fractional
parts of prices in invoice templates.
* Feature: added new field: {$itemno} to display sequential item number
as it's displayed on invoice. For example, for first item printed on
invoice {$itemno} will show 1, for second item it will show 2 and so on.
* Feature: added new field: {$totalen} in invoice templates. For example,
total: 150.50 will be displayed as English text: one hundred fifty, 50
* Feature: added a possibility to quickly evaluate numerical expressions
on menu View - Notes window. For example, you may type 100*2. Then
select it with mouse. Then right-click by mouse and select Evaluate or
simply press on keyboard Ctrl+E. It will append the calculation result
and it will be finally displayed as 100*2=200.
* Feature: added new actions on lines on text for menu View - Notes
window. Ctrl+Y will delete current line. Ctrl+D will duplicate current
* Feature: added new option: Print Invoice after Close Order. This
option is located on menu Configuration - Preferences - Order. With this
option invoice printing window will be automatically opened after
closing an order. Note: it's still possible, for example, to hide
invoice button by unchecking Show Invoice Button option while still
using Print Invoice after Close Order option to automatically print
* Bug fixed: error message could be shown on Security Roles window after
log out and login again.
* Feature: added Midnight Minutes field on Preferences - Reports.
For example if your business is closing at 2 AM each day then set 120
into Midnight Minutes field and all sales reports will correctly display
information about sales days.
* Improvement: corrected font on Orders windows to display correctly
Arabic text.
* Improvement: improved loading speed of Order page.
* Bug fixed: corrected bug with saving Secure Device and Pad Type names
for credit card processing options.
* Feature: support of Datacap NETePay for credit card processing.
With using Datacap NETePay technology you have access to all major USA
processors like First Data, Mercury, TSYS and others.
Read more:
* Feature: new field: Total Rounding Method located on menu
Configuration - Order - Order Details. The possible values for this
parameter are nearest and down. Thus with this method it's possible now
to round down to the previous 10 cents, for example.
Read more: http://www.pointofsale.abacre.net/totalroundingamount
* Feature: added new report: Gift Cards Outstanding Balance.
* Improvement: automatically saving client information before pressing
Choose button on Clients window.
* Improvement: End of Day procedure shows order numbers of open or
closed orders.
* Improvement: Better a gift card balance updating on new gift card
* Feature: added new possibilities of bill formatting when using HTML
Printing module: added new class names: itemname, itemqty, itemprice and
itemtotal. Therefore now it's possible, for example, to change font's
family, size for items printed bills or notifications.
* Feature: implemented new option: Automatically Select a Table. This
option is located at menu Configuration - Preferences - Order - Order
Details. By default the option is checked. It means when you create a
new order then a table is automatically assigned to the order. Uncheck
this option and you will need to specifically choose a table each time
you create an order.
* Feature: added a possibility to do simple backups. Use menu Help –
Backup. It will create a backup file with your database and
configuration files and open backup folder after that.
* Improvement: to prevent occasional license deactivation the following
confirmation dialog is shown: Are you should you want to deactivate the
* Improvement: added removing unneeded spaces and tabs from a
registration key when doing software registration.
* Feature: added new user pole (line display) tags: {$itemonhqty} and
{$itemonhcost} to display item's on hand quantity and cost.
* Feature: added new option: Automatically search for item (not need to
press Find) located on menu Configuration - Preferences - Order - Order
Details. Check the option and you don't need to press Find button on
Choose Item window because it will automatically search when you start
typing item's name.
* Feature: added new option: "Search in item name when using Item Code
field" located on menu Configuration - Preferences - Order - Order
Details. Check this option and it will be possible to search for item
name. If search returns several possible items then Choose Item window
will be shown. But in case if one found item then the item will be
automatically added to order.
* Improvement: it's possible now to choose item by pressing Enter button
on Choose Item window instead of pressing OK button.
* Bug fixed: the program could show error when searching for item with
non-existing name on Choose Item window and pressing OK button.
* Bug fixed: in some cases ordered items were not correctly exported
after conversion from old Access database format into Firebird.
* Feature: Added new option: Tax Rate Format on menu Configuration -
Property Settings - General. This option allows to specify rate rate
with 3 or more digits. For example, 0.000 will allow to define taxes
with 3 digits after period.
* Feature: added Show Note option located on menu Configuration - Bill
Configuration - Parameters. With this option the program prints note
field defined on menu Configuration - (Menu) Items on bill and
notification printers.
* Improvement: moved block of fiscal printers into Advanced tab of
menu Configuration - Bill Configuration window.
* Bug fixed: Qty and price for items was shifted one char to left when
printing on bill and notification printers.
* Feature: Added new option: Show More button on Login for non admin
workers. The default value is ON. Turn the option OFF and non-admin
workers would not see More button. Therefore they will not change Path
to Database and Server Name on Login window. Read more:
* Improvement: up to several times increased opening speed for New
Order and Orders window. We specially tested it on very large
customers databases.
* Feature: implemented export of sales transactions into QuickBooks
accounting software. Read more:
* Feature: Export of items (since Standard license) into tab separated
file. It's possible to open this file with Excel. See Export button on
menu Configuration - Items.
* Improvement: automatic spread discount, freight and fee on receive
and return vouchers for correct item cost calculation.
See option: Spread discount, freight and fee on vouchers on Preferences
- Inventory tab.
* Bug fixed: error message was shown when selling items with
ingredients. So ingredients quantities were not updated.
* Bug fixed: Inventory sold report did not show Grand total value.
* Bug fixed: total field was not visible on receive vouchers.
* Bug fixed: corrected issue with province tax (tax 2), tax 3, tax 4
and service charge calculation on refund orders.
* Bug fixed: corrected several issues related to layout of Z-Out
* Bug fixed: {$payment} tag was not correctly printed on invoices with
custom templates.
* Feature: added new bill configuration parameter: {$orderyear}
Now it's possible print order numbers in format like:
{$orderyear}/{$orderno}. For example, 2016/125
* Improvement: On Orders window the height of raw is automatically
increased when using this window with big-sized custom fonts.
* Improvement: now it's possible to print alternative item names on
bills. Previously it was only possible to print on notification
* Feature: automatic connection recovery to server in case of
disconnection. In case of using the program on tablet computers
connection may be lost because of weak WiFi network connectivity. In
this case the program will automatically restore connection.
* Feature: added new bill configuration parameters:
{$nettaxabletotal}, {$nettaxabletotal2}, {$nettaxabletotal3} and
{$nettaxabletotal4} - are taxable amounts (bases) for corresponding
taxes but without any taxes inside. It's useful for tax included
calculation method.
* Feature: added Stock Locations feature.
Read more: http://www.pointofsale.abacre.net/stocklocations
* Feature: added possibility to save encrypted credit card information
into database for later processing when Internet connection is lost.
Check "Accept credit cards when workstation is offline" located on menu
Configuration - Preferences - Credit Cards.
Read more: http://www.pointofsale.abacre.net/acceptcardsoffline
* Feature: added new bill configuration parameters:
{$taxabletotal}, {$taxabletotal2}, {$taxabletotal3} and {$taxabletotal4} -
are taxable amounts (bases) for corresponding taxes.
* Improvement: added Save button for Price Schedule on menu
Configuration - Items.
* Improvement: added saving and restoring columns width of Sales
Locations grid on menu Configuration - Items.
* Feature: added Sales Locations feature.
Read more: http://www.pointofsale.abacre.net/saleslocations
* Feature: added Hierarchical Tasks feature.
Read more: http://www.pointofsale.abacre.net/tasks
* Feature: added Notes feature.
Read more: http://www.pointofsale.abacre.net/notes
* Feature: added flat rate tax for second tax on menu Configuration -
Property Settings - Taxes and Tips.
Read more: http://www.pointofsale.abacre.net/flattax
* Feature: second tax calculation method based on first tax on menu
Configuration - Property Settings - Taxes and Tips.
* Feature: added new option for taxes included into price: "Included
tax is based on subtotal" on menu Configuration - Property Settings -
Taxes and Tips.
* Feature: added new option: "Put long item names on second line"
located on menu Configuration - Bill Configuration - Advanced. This
option also works for notification printers.
* Bug fixed: corrected issue with database conversion process
from older versions.
* Bug fixed: error message was shown after pressing Refund Item
* Bug fixed: error message was shown while trying to add new room
* Feature: added new report in Taxes category: Cash report.
* Bug fixed: error message was shown during conversion database from
older version.
* Feature: new window: Room Cleaning. Now keeping staff may mark room
status: clean or dirty. Room's status is automatically changed into
dirty after each check out.
* Feature: new security roles: Show Reservations and Stays windows,
Show hotel configuration windows, Show Room Cleaning window.
Note: go to security roles and check these security roles.
Otherwise corresponding buttons will be invisible.
* Feature: new security roles: Show Clients button, Show Shifts
button. Note: go to security roles and check these security roles.
Otherwise corresponding buttons will be invisible.
* Improvement: menu Action - Print Bill, Close Order and menu View -
Gift Cards are only visible for sales persons (persons with visible
New Order and Order buttons).
* Improvement: added many internal database structure changes to
increase speed. Upon upgrade process please don't interrupt. It may
take from few minutes to one hour depending on size of your database.
* Bug fixed: in rare cases when adding item to order old items from
removed order could be added to order.
* Improvement: increased width of split order window for better
visibility of quantity column of moved items.
* Bug fixed: error message was shown when trying to move more than one
item with modifiers on split order window.
* Bug fixed: first item was copied without modifiers on split order.
* Feature: new security role: Show Discount Field.
Note: there is already option with the same name on menu Configuration
- Preferences - Order - Order Buttons. This is a global option. While
with new option you may setup discount field visibility based on
security roles. Now discount selection may be disabled for cashiers,
for example.
* Bug fixed: client discount was not automatically applied to order
when creating new order by using New Order button located on Clients