Pre Defined Notes

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Pre Defined Notes

Post by Ninety9IT »

Hi, we are testing ARPos and other software for a client restaurant. Must say ARPos is rich in features and fast. I would like to know whether we can create and save predefined notes as instructions to kichen. Example s

I know currently this can be typed by waiter at the time of punching order but would speed up the process if predefined notes are available. Also if any new note is to be added then waiter would type and save for future use.

If it is already available then please share the configuration method.

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Re: Pre Defined Notes

Post by Abacre »

You should use menu item modifiers. Go to menu Configuration - Menu Item Modifiers.
Create a modifier's group. For example, "Meat".
Then add modifiers to that group as you wish.
Then you should go to menu Configuration - Menu Items.
Select a needed menu item and assign the modifier's group to it.

Now each time you add this item to order you will see a popup window asking for modifiers.
This information will also be printed on kitchen printers.
Kind regards,
Abacre Limited

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