Advanced Window no longer opens up.

General discussions about Advanced Find and Replace
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Advanced Window no longer opens up.

Post by tommytx »

Finally bought it and seems to be pretty good.. but only month and already dying on me.. .when I tick the box for advanced window will not open up to allow me to use it... can't seem to find my original install file.. should i just download a new one.. or is this a simple problem that others have seen.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Re: Advanced Window no longer opens up.

Post by Abacre »

Please do the following:
1. uninstall current version
2. download trial version from
3. register it with your registration key.

Does it work now? otherwise we will provide other solutions (please contact
Kind regards,
Abacre Limited

Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:24 pm

Re: Advanced Window no longer opens up.

Post by tommytx »

Is there any way to save the favorites like we do in browsers for the new copy.. like the locations we put in the top box.. like
etc or must I write them all down and do htem again..
Right now it remembers a lot (all) of my seach locations.

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Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:32 pm

Re: Advanced Window no longer opens up.

Post by Abacre »

Normally you should do it the following way: menu Action - Save Configuration As.
Then give a explaining name for configuration file.
So later you will be able to load the configuration file using menu Action - Open Configuration.

Note: the list of last used directory is also automatically saved in drop-down-list.
Kind regards,
Abacre Limited

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