Adding a Rev Date to the end of a string

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Adding a Rev Date to the end of a string

Post by slemmon »

We purchased Advanced Find and Replace to aid in the changing of several thousands of MSDS. While I was able to figureo ut how to chenge the test we needed I cannot get the expressions to work to add a revision date in the document without removing the other revision dates. Below is a sample of the document:

Manufacturer’s Name: ANy COmpany, 123 Some Street, Anywhere, XX 17331, (123) 456-7890
Emergency Contact Number (24hr): Chem Company (800) 123-4567

Issue Date: 12/26/06
Revision Date: 06/24/09, 08/26/10, 01/23/13, 03/07/13

Section 2 – Hazard Identification

Emergency Overview: May irritate eyes and skin. Wash areas of contact with water.
Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid Odor: Odorless

This is what I need it to do:

Manufacturer’s Name: ANy COmpany, 123 Some Street, Anywhere, XX 17331, (123) 456-7890
Emergency Contact Number (24hr): Chem Company (800) 123-4567

Issue Date: 12/26/06
Revision Date: 06/24/09, 08/26/10, 01/23/13, 03/07/13, 03/15/13

Section 2 – Hazard Identification

Emergency Overview: May irritate eyes and skin. Wash areas of contact with water.
Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid Odor: Odorless

I hav ethe /s and /m checked in. In the Batch replace I have

Search For:
(Revision Date: .*)

Replace With:
$1, 03/15/13

I have added a \Z at the end of the search for but that just put it at the end of the document. What would be the correct expression to use to insert the new rev date in without removing the old ones? Also the amount of rev dates vary from document to document. There could be 1 or there could be 8.

Thanks in advance for the help. Other then this wall I've hit the program works brilliantly!!

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:37 pm

Re: Adding a Rev Date to the end of a string

Post by slemmon »

Does no one look at this forum anymore?

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