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Renaming and removing folders

To rename folders go to menu Action – Options – Batch Replace. Check Option: Rename in Folder Names.

You may check or hide selection from options: Rename In File Names, Rename in File Bodies. Thus if you just need to rename folder you may check only the option Rename in Folder Names.

On main window go to Batch Replace operation. Specify Search For and Replace With text for folders. For example, if you have folders like this:


You may specify Search For: test
Replace With: exam

Then press Execute button.

The resulting folders will be:

Note: you can also use regular expressions.

For example, you have photos moved from Canon's camera into your HDD directly from SD memory card.

In this case folders for names are used as the following:

So you may rename it into more readable format:
Check Use Regular Expressions option on Batch Replace.
Set Search For: \d+_(\d\d)(\d\d)
Replace With: 2012_$2_$1
Press Execute button to rename folders.

The resulting folders will be:

You can also remove folders. For example, to remove .svn folders specify:
Search For: .svn
Replace With should be empty string.
Check “Whole Words Only” option.
Thus .svn folders and all folders of .svn will be removed.

See also: Masks | Search queries | Replace operation