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Getting started

Welcome to using Abacre Paperless Office!

This Quick Start Guide is intended to help you get started with Abacre Paperless Office .  If you don't like reading manuals, or don't want to use all features of Abacre Paperless Office, or just want to give Abacre Paperless Office a test run, this is a good place to start.

Here you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to use Abacre Paperless Office to achieve a simple (and, probably, most common) goal: how quickly use and share electronic documents instead of paper.   After you have performed the steps described below, you will be able to use and to share electronic documents instead of paper less than one minute without using all features of Abacre Paperless Office.

Step-by-step using:

1. First of all you need to create a new document. Click File -> New document. Also you can create a new document simply by clicking New document button or using Ctrl + N hotkey.

2. Then simply drag-n-drop scanned images (JPEG, Gif or Bmp format) in Abacre Paperless Office's workspace. Also you can use Page -> Add pages command to add your images.

3. If you wish, you may edit document properties. Simply click File -> Document properties or use Document properties button, then edit Author, Title, Keyword and Description fields.

4. Save your electronic document by clicking File -> Save document or using Save document button.

3. That's all! Now you can easily share documents with your friends and colleagues by sending documents by email, putting them on your web site.

See also:

Creating electronic documents | Opening electronic documents